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Electronic Writing II
LITR 0210D

Tuesdays 4-6:20pm
305 Sayles Hall

Lab Thursdays 5-6:20pm
Grad MML

Instructor: Samantha Gorman
office hours:
Tuesdays 1:30-3:45pm
and by appointment
68 1/2 Brown Street, rm 304

*-*-*-*-*-*----March 23rd. MIDTERMS! ----*-*-*-*-*-*
10-15 min presentation of your project's intermediate stage

The digital age is not only expanding the means and methods of how we read and write, but also the notion of the "Literary". As artists, scholars and writers we must be mindful of how our work is influenced by the immediacy of this cultural shift. Therefore, this course will focus on composing writing that reflects on, and makes use of, the potentials offered by digital technology. Possible, but not limited, avenues for exploration include: Hypertext, Interactive Fiction,, Flash Poetry, Code Work, Generative Literature, 3d Narrative, Installation, Video, and Sound Poetry. Our reflective writing practice will embrace a three-fold approach: production of writing, discussion of theory, and acquisition of technical skills. Both print and digital sources will be consulted for critical vocabulary and historical foundation that is of relevance to student projects.

Electronic Writing II welcomes students with diverse interests and skill sets. Both beginning students with no technical experience and students who are comfortable working within specific media are encouraged to apply. The only prerequisite is to have an interest in investigating the intersection of creative writing and digital culture.