Week 2 Reading Discussion:
"emmett williams's concretions take their form from the regularity of the
macbine, they achieve their meanings through the systematic employment of
signs. of the available signs on the machine, only the letters of the alphabet
and fixed spaces are used." the meanings of the poems were said to be contained
in the systems, and to presuppose the systems. the position of the
poems on the page was left to chance, they explained, because the concretions
were systematic in themselves and related only to themselves.
the forward momentum of innovation comes from the preexisting.?
1...cut-up method: read pg. 89 excerpt from Italo Calvino:
from gyson:
Burroughs was more intent on Scotch-taping his photos together into one great continuum on the wall, where scenes faded and slipped into one another, than occupied with editing the monster manuscript
While cutting a mount for a drawing in room No. 15, I sliced through a pile of newspapers with my Stanley blade and thought of what I had said to Burroughs some six months earlier about the necessity for turning painters' techniques directly into writing. I picked up the raw words and began to piece together texts that later appeared as "First Cut-Ups" in Minutes to Go
A consummate innovator, Gysin altered the cut-up technique to produce what he called permutation poems in which a single phrase was repeated several times with the words rearranged in a different order with each reiteration. An example of this is "I don't dig work, man/Man, work I don't dig." Many of these permutations were derived using a random sequence generator in an early computer program written by Ian Sommerville.
-cut-up method as collaborative software architecture.
New Media Reader
Pg 89. Is it possible to “suggest” a new writing technique by employing techniques that are old hat?
Cut-ups/algorthmic/generative techniques as means to an end or the goal itself?
“Burroughs indicates, rather, that randomness and recombinaation can be used by an author as an intermediate step in composition.”
“Although the claim was made that the book The Policeman's Beard is Half Constructed was generated by computer alone, few who have studied the text (and the program that purportedly generated it, Racter) believe this claim. Rather, it seems certain that Racter was loaded with special, additional templates to generate a draft, which was then edited into its published shape by a huma editor.
Pg. 90 “In fact all street shots from movie or still cameras are by the unpredicatable factors of passers by and juxtapositions cut-ups.”
discuss algorithms
2.Read “For a Potential Analysis of Combinatory Literature” in The Oulipo section of the New Media Reader. pg. 177-187
pg. 178the search for new structures, which may be used by writers in any way they see fit. Is this any different or more innovative than the use of forms like a sonnet as a constraint? How?
pg. 180 “Unfortunately, it is difficult to invent texts that lend themselves to such manipulations or rules for intervals that permit the convservation of literary quality.”
What About Fraser's comment:
“cycles... parts creating only the fascination of Man-Month", 1972. the The medium. puzzle-like imagination. programmer thought-stuff. in watching such the He castles in from air.”
pg. 181 the episodic story:
The Computer and Writer:
the Centre Pompidou Experiment by Paul Fournel in NMR pg. 182.
-the notion of aided reading:
“At first, work was brought to bear on preexisting literary material. There are, in fact a few combinatory or algorithmic works that may be read far more easily within the help of a computer. Here, the machine performs a simple task of selecting and editing.” pg. 82
“The author himself may profit from this process: when the combinations are this numerous, he may take soundings of his work. The computer in this case serves as an assistant in the definitive fine-tuning of the text.” pg. 82
in reference to Dominique Bourguet's programming of Raymond Queneaus “A Story as You Like It”
“The elements of narration being very short, the game dominates the reading of the text itself. This is unfortunate, since all of these possible texts have real charm”. pg. 82.
What is the pleasure of play and the pleasure of reading?
Discussion of “Aided Creation” vs. Aided Reading.
Type 1: Author to Computer to Work
similar to editing cut-up method
Type 2: Author to Computer to Work to Computer to Reader
Type 3: Author to Computer to Reader to Computer to Work
pg. 183
Prose and Anticombinatorics by Italo Calvino
How does his anticombinatory approach produce and process in comparison to the approaches by Raymond Queneau and Raymond Roussel?
Talk about the methods and outcomes that have emerged from the various approaches to chance-operation, constraint, aleatoric poetry, and combinatorics that the writers we have studied this week have used>
consider Fraser's comment: “I enjoyed Williams' poems more than MacLowe's because I found them to be more amusing.Maybe this is because Williams only uses one chance method and MacLowe combines a bunch of methods.”